King Saul Disobeys Object Lesson
Why is obedience so important? Use this King Saul Disobeys object lesson to discuss how obedience is better than sacrifice and how Jesus is our
After the nation of Israel is created…what happens next? Why should we care?
Children need to understand the Books of History and that God works through imperfect people. They also need to understand that Israel is the catalyst for salvation. When learning about Joshua and the tribes of Israel, the Judges, Kings, and Prophets, you can display God’s plan for salvation and why humanity needs it.
Why is obedience so important? Use this King Saul Disobeys object lesson to discuss how obedience is better than sacrifice and how Jesus is our
“You may be the only Jesus someone sees today,” is a phrase used in the church. Is it true? Use this Elisha and the Shunammite
The Christian life is one that loves God and loves people. Use this Elisha and the Widow lesson to encourage children to watch for people
King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah had been told that armies from three different nations were all coming together to attack them. Use this
Shemaiah had to give Rehoboam, the King of Judah, and all his leaders, the word that God had abandoned them due to the unfaithfulness of
The prophet Nathan called out King David for his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah. Use this Nathan the Prophet object
How old does a person have to be for God to use him or her? Use this calling of Samuel Bible Object Lesson to teach
The birth of Jesus, the Messiah, is a big deal. Use this lesson on Micah’s prophecy to help build confidence in the promises of God.
And it’s my delight to help you teach the Bible to your kids. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need help, have a question, or have a resource request!
You don’t have to experience the week-in and week-out frustration when it is time to teach again. You can become an excellent Bible teacher. Let me help you.
Caught in the
Here are three lessons from the Gospels you can use to jump start your object lesson Bible teaching plan. All you need is a funny joke, a baby picture, a white board, and this download.
I understand how important it is to know what you are teaching your kids is theologically sound. Read more for my statement of beliefs…
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