
5 Days of a Christ-Focused Homeschool

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I, and a multitude of other TOS homeschool moms, joined forces to create some amazing blog posts just for YOU. All of the posts feature 5 Days of…..Something. I wrote posts that explain how to develop a Christ-Focused Homeschool. But to be honest, these Truths and tips that I will be sharing this week aren’t just for families who homeschool. ALL parents are called by God to train their children in the way they should go. So if you are a parent, this series on FFS is for you.


During the week I will be discussing 5 topics:
1. The Role of a Christ-Focused Parent
2. The Standard Used By a Christ-Focused Parent
3. The Goal of Christ-Focused Homeschooling
4. Resources for a Christ-Focused Homeschool
5. Moment by Moment Christ-Focused Teaching

I hope that you will join the discussion and add your ideas and thoughts to the mix. I am far from figuring out this whole “parenting” thing. But I do have a few mentors who’ve been a round the block once or twice, and I share a few things I’ve learned over the years.

There is a spiritual battle raging against your family. I know I want mine to be as strong as possible. Perhaps you do as well.


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