
Drawing the Bible: The New Testament

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This is the last portion of Drawing the Bible. If you missed Part 1 (Genesis through Deuteronomy), or Part 2 (Joshua through Esther) be sure to check them out.

Draw the Bible

Materials: a white board, or something to draw on; the Awana lesson that goes with each picture {The links for each are with the explanation of the picture(s) they match.}

Drawing the Bible: The New Testament


God became silent. The Greeks conquer the Persian Empire and demand all people to speak one language. The Romans eventually conquer the Greek Empire and build roads for travel. The Old Testament is over.

Draw the Bible 3.1God comes down to the earth once more. This time there is a star in the sky and a cry in the manger.

Draw the Bible3.2The four gospels tell us the historical facts about Jesus.

Draw the Bible3.3At the cross, Israel becomes cut off because they do not accept Jesus as their Messiah. God used the Jews to bring salvation to the cross.

Draw the Bible 3.4Jesus died, rose after three days, and ascended into heaven.

Draw the Bible 3.5And now salvation comes to the Gentiles and all who believe in Christ. The church spreads throughout the book of Acts. Years later, John the Apostle has a vision of the Revelation. Jesus, the Lamb Who was slain will return. Will you be going up with Him to eternal life? or will you reject Him? Be sure you know how to live life before Jesus returns. We do not know when Jesus will return. Come, Lord Jesus!

Draw the Bible 3.6Now you can put the entire Bible together in pictures, chronologically, and tell the gospel. Be sure to practice!!

Can you comprehend the scriptures and see how all was fulfilled through Jesus?


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