
A Simple (and Fun!) Way to Talk to Your Kids About Babies

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When we had kids, my husband and I agreed to be honest and scientific about how human bodies work. As parents, we do need to use discernment when it comes to being honest and being age-appropriate. And when the time comes, we can tend to become tongue-tied. Are you expecting? Do you have children ages 5 to 11? Here is a simple (and fun!) way to talk to your kids about babies.

talk to your kids about babiesDanika Cooley has created another marvelous book called, Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth ($9.99). I love the title. Life is created by God, and it is HIS story we are living out. It’s a neat idea that every human’s “story” throughout all time is part of a greater story and purpose!

talk to your kids about babies

Teaching our children that their lives have purpose and meaning is extremely important. It is also important that they understand when life begins. Wonderfully Made is an excellent book that introduces a young child to the wonder of God’s creation – the wonder and miracle of birth. From conception in the womb through the nine months within the mother’s womb Danika takes us on a journey of discovery… the discovery of life. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

Talk to Your Kids about Babies: “When your dad and I joined together…”

One of the things that concerns me about talking to my children about babies is how to be age-appropriate about the topic of conception. Danika handles it beautifully!! It’s just enough information to make sense, but does not get into graphic deal.

talk to your kids about babies

Talk to Your Kids about Babies: “You kept growing in weeks Five and Six…”

As the book progresses, we journey through the months of growth of the baby inside the womb. The information describes what is developing at that time and the size of the baby using different objects. This is a great hands-on approach because children understand what a tadpole looks like, and know the size of a lime. (Be sure to see the activities below!!) My children were fascinated by the pictures and the objects used to discuss the size of the growing baby!

Scripture, Scripture, Scripture!

Almost every page in this book has a scripture on it! The word of God is used to convey the messages that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; our days are formed by God; God fashioned everything; and that God created everything to be good.

Bonus Activities for Wonderfully Made:

Preschool/Early Elementary: Once you have read the book with your children, work together to make a list of each item that is used to compare the size of the growing baby. Once you have made the list, try to find ALL of the objects! You might have to go to the grocery store to get a plum or a peach. You also might have to figure out what weighs 2 pounds! Once the collection is made, have your children use the book (if needed) to place the items in order, from smallest to greatest.

Once the collection is in order, read the book again. Discuss concepts from the book such as, what is developing in, or on, a baby when he is the size of a ruler? When are a baby’s eyes and ears fully developed?

Upper Elementary/Middle School: Print this chart and use the book to organize the information. Have your kids create a game show, or pop quiz, using the information.

LAPBOOK: If you want to really dig in to the information in this book, create the Wonderfully Made Lapbook that Danika has FREE for all subscribers.

talk to your kids about babiesShe also has FREE posters and scripture cards!

12377580_1074704962591705_6820004662162572433_oAt the end of the book, the author talks about how we are born into this world, physically, and why we need to be born again, spiritually. The salvation message is clearly stated. “If you trust in Christ, you are adopted by God as his very own child, and you are born again a second time.” (Cooley)

I encourage you to get this book for your home. You can give a copy away for a baby shower. Give a copy to your local pregnancy center. Help spread the word about life, from conception to birth!


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