
What God is Saying Resource Page

Thank you for purchasing the book What God is Saying: Object Lessons from the Prophets for Kids.

Below you will find a listing of the chapters along with links to help you teach.


What is a Prophet?

The Calling of Samuel
Reading Logs

Nathan Confronts King David
Picture of royal jewels

King David and the Census

Ahijah and the Divided Kingdom
MAP of the Divided Kingdoms
Article about the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel

Shemaiah Confronts Rehoboam

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
MAP of Elijah and Elisha travels

Jahaziel Prophesies Deliverance

Elijah Chooses Elisha

Elisha and the Widow
Candle wicks to purchase
Video of lamps

Elisha and the Shunammite Woman

Obadiah and Edom

Joel and the Day of the Lord
Video of Locust Swarm

Jonah Runs Away

Amos Calls for Justice

Hosea and Gomer
Video of Object Lesson Experiment

The Calling of Isaiah

Isaiah and the Coming Messiah

Micah’s Prophecy: Big News about a Tiny Place
The World Blessing 2023

Nahum, Nineveh, and Judah
Black Obelisk

Zephaniah and the Restoration of Judah
Lullaby One
Lullaby Two

Jeremiah and Jehoiakim

Habakkuk Questions God

Daniel and the Writing on the Wall
Dare to be a Daniel Song with Lyrics

Ezekiel and the Dry Bones

Haggai and the Rebuilding of the Temple
Picture of Solomon’s Temple
Video of What Solomon’s Temple night have looked like
Picture of Herod’s Temple

Zechariah and the Temple

Malachi Prophesies the Coming Messiah

John the Baptist: The Greatest Prophet

John the Revelator

Now We Take Over