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Quality, “No-Fluff” Bible Lessons

Teach fun and engaging lessons today to strengthen the biblical growth of children!

Coupon Code = BYB30

Use these printable Bible Study packs to enhance any Home, Sunday School, or Children’s Church Bible lesson. Get ready to engage in great discussion!

Written for children from K to 6th grade, each pack includes a variety of interactive activities.

Packs include:

  1. A simple, but thought-provoking Bible lesson.
  2. Copywork for the main verse of the lesson.
  3. In Your Own Words – Have children write the events of the Bible lesson in their own words.
  4. Critical Thinking Questions
  5. Inductive Bible Study Questions
  6. Images to use as puppets to retell the lesson.
  7. Scripture Memory Cards
  8. Draw the Story Page
  9. Think and Pray Page

Challenge children to think about their faith by using the discussion questions from the lesson. An Inductive Learning page can be used as you and/or a child read the scripture to help foster understanding.

Once the lesson is completed, have the children fill out the Think and Pray Page. This is when daily application and service towards others is focused upon.

INTRODUCING: First Miracles of Jesus!!

Use the coupon code BYB30 for 30% off your entire order!

Sale ends May 30, 2017

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