
Different Ways to Present the Gospel This Halloween

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We have a Fall Festival each year. We like to have a celebration together once the school year begins and the weather begins to change. Halloween is a taboo subject in Christian circles, and that is not where I am going with this. What I do think we should focus on is how to present the gospel ANY day of the year.

The Pumpkin Gospel is not a new concept, so I searched for the many different ways people have presented the gospel during this holiday. All of these presentations are similar, but they each have their own flavor of creativity. I also found a few that use candy and the Wordless Book script.

The Pumpkin Gospel from Being Confident of This

Redeeming Halloween + Printable from Angie Tolpin

Raising Rock Stars: Halloween from 1 + 1 + 1 = 1

Using a Pumpkin to Teach the Gospel from The Homeschool Village

The Gospel Pumpkin + Printable Poem from The Happy Home Fairy

Pumpkin Carving Prayer from DLTK

Pumpkin Patch Gospel from Creative Bible Study Lessons and Ideas

When God Wore a Costume (A Christmas Halloween Lesson) from Me 🙂

Make Pumpkin Carving Meaningful from We Are THAT Family

Great Halloween Gospel Presentation from AWANA and T&T Council Talks

The Gospel According to Candy from The Scripture Lady

Candy Bar Gospel Relay (for Youth) from Evangelism Ideas

Christian Pumpkin Carving Video

Being a Christian is Like being a Pumpkin Video

KidZone Pumpkin Prayer Video

PUMPkin patch parable

yard pumpkins

pumpkin storybook


Halloween tracks



No matter what your choice is about celebrating Halloween, I pray that you always find a reason to share Jesus with your neighbors.






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