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It is our job as parents to make sure that our kids have the Bible training that they need in order for God to grow them as disciples. We can’t get our kids saved. We can’t make their choices for them. But we can teach them Biblical Truth to the best of our abilities and trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest.
“What is truth?” sneered Pilate to Jesus.
Earlier in His ministry Jesus had said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Jesus didn’t answer the Roman governor. He didn’t need to. And even though Pilate washed His hands of innocent blood, I think he knew the answer to his question.
But do you know the Truth? Do our kids know the Truth? Do my kids have a solid rock foundation of Biblical Truth so that their Awana and Sunday School classes can build onto that knowledge and help them grow spiritually?
I have decided to use a question and answer format, a catechism of sorts, based on some of my graduate school resources to teach my children Biblical foundations and theology. It’s very simple and age appropriate for young children. It’s not all inclusive, but it does cover the main truths of Christianity.
I’d like to share this with you because I believe that children today need to have a solid foundation of scripture so they can stand strong in an ever darkening world. Please feel free to use these and adapt them to your family’s needs.How I use this: I have a small spiral pad of chart paper. I use one sheet of paper per Truth. I write the question in purple, the answer in red, and the corresponding scripture in green. The kids and I usually read through one Truth per week. We discuss the question and the scripture if confusing.
About the Bible:
1. What is another name for the Bible? The Word of God Hebrews 4:12
2. Who is the author of the Bible? God 2 Timothy 3:16
3. What kind of men wrote down the Word of God? Holy Men 2 Peter 1:21
4. How long will the Bible last? Forever Isaiah 40:8
5. Why should we study the Bible? God told us to Joshua 1:8 It keeps us from sinning Psalm 119:11 It shows us how to live Psalm 119:2-3
About God:
6. Is God a spirit? Yes, He is John 4:24
7. Are there more gods than One? There is only one, living God Deuteronomy 6:4
8. What do we mean when we say our God is a Trinity? Trinity means three in one 2 Corinthians 13:14
9. Can God do anything? Yes, God is omnipotent Job 42:1-2a
10. Is God eternal? Yes, He has always lived and always will Psalm 90:2
11. Does God ever change? No, He is immutable Malachi 3:6
12. Does God know all things? Yes, He is omniscient Psalm 139:4
13. Where is God? He is everywhere, omnipresent Jeremiah 23:24
14. Does God hate sin? Yes, for He is holy Psalm 5:4
15. What did God in His love do for us? Made a way to save us from our sins 1 John 4:14
About Sin and Salvation:
16. What is sin? Disobeying God’s law 1 John 3:4
17. How many have sinned? All mankind Romans 3:23
18. What is the result of sin? Spiritual death – separation from God Romans 6:23
19. Can anyone go to heaven with a sinful heart? No, our hearts must be changed John 3:7
20. What did Jesus do for us in our sinful condition? Jesus took our sins on Him on the cross Isaiah 53:5
21. What must I do to be saved? Repent of my sins, and trust in Jesus alone for my salvation Luke 13:3
22. Can anyone earn his salvation? No, good works do not save Ephesians 2:8
23. Can I know that I am saved? Yes, God has promised eternal life for all who believe John 1:12
About Prayer:
24. What is prayer? Prayer is communicating with God Philippians 4:6
25. In whose name must we pray? Jesus Christ’s John 16:23
26. How often should we pray? At all times about anything 1 Thessalonians 5:17
27. How must we ask for things from God? We must ask according to His will 1 John 5:14
28. How must we come to God? In faith Matthew 21:22
About Christian Living:
29. How can I please God? Put God first in my life Matthew 6:33
30. How can I receive power to live a life pleasing to God? The Holy Spirit comes to abide in me when I believe in Jesus Acts 1:8
31. What is my purpose for life? To glorify God and make disciples of all nations Psalm 86:12 Matthew 28:19
32. What actions please God?
- Obedience John 15:14
- Love one another John 15:12
- Forgive one another Ephesians 4:32
- Confess my sins 1 John 1:9
- Read the Bible 2 Timothy 3:15
My goal is to get through all the Biblical Truths by the end of the year helping the kids to gain understanding; and then repeat for one more year with the aim of memorizing the scriptures.
Obviously there is much more that could be added, but the goal is to build the foundation. Once the foundation of Biblical Truth is solid, then the Holy Spirit has scripture to build upon. But the bedrock must be there first, or the house of sand will fall during the first storm of life.