
The Best Bible for Teaching Kids

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I have loved receiving the comments, concerns, and frustrations that you all have sent. I always say that I have THE best blog readers, and I am right. From your words I can tell you deeply love the kids you teach, whether they are your own, or belong to someone else.

Best BibleI want you to be equipped to teach those children. That’s the reason why I blog. I want you to have the tools you need to feel strong in the Lord so that in His mighty power you can spread the gospel and disciple children.

I want to tell you about the Bible I use to prepare each of my lessons.

The Best Bible for Teaching Kids

children's ministryIt’s called the Children’s Ministry Resource Bible. It was developed by Child Evangelism Fellowship. If you do not know about that ministry, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with them. They have many resources and organize Good News Clubs across the nation. Many people do not know that they have an amazing Mail Ministry called the Truth Chasers Club. It’s FREE and you can sign your children up to receive mail lessons. My kids have been a part of this program for over 3 years and we love working together through the lessons and then mailing back the quiz answers. My children receive hand written notes from volunteers who pray over them and “check” their answers. It’s phenomenal!

childrens ministry bible3How I use this Bible

Years ago, when I first started using this Bible, I used the built-in lessons. They tell you exactly what to do and preach the gospel in each lesson. However, there are only so many lessons. The Bible is a large book with many, many lessons that can be taught. And that’s when I began branching out and developing my own. This Bible was a great foundation for my teaching skills.

childrens ministry bibleNow that I have more experience in teaching the scriptures to children, I use this Bible as a spring board. I teach while holding this Bible on my lap, so I highlight important scriptures I do not want to miss. I use sticky notes all over the place. I mark pages for significant verses for salvation (such as the Share Jesus Without Fear verses). I also keep a children’s sermon in the Bible that I can pull out at a moment’s notice. Inside the front cover I taped a list of questions that can be used for counseling when children decide they want to give their hearts to Jesus.

childrens ministry bible2

I love using this Bible. I really think no children’s teacher or parent should be without one.

I want to give you a copy of the book, The Faith of a Child by Art Murphy. This is a must read for all parents (and grandparents) who want to see their children walking with Jesus. Murphy not only answers many questions that  parents ask, but he explains the spiritual stages your child will go through.

faith of a child



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Sign up below for three lessons from the Victory in Jesus book you can use now to jump start your object lesson Bible teaching plan. 

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Sign up below for a Sample LESSON from What God is Doing: Old Testament Object Lessons for Kids (16 pages!). 

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