
FREE Bible Resources for a Christ-Focused Homeschool

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I know that YOU know what a daunting task being a Christ-Focused Parent is, or else you wouldn’t be reading this post.

So, where do we go from here?

Rule #1: Do Not Worry!
Rule #2: We need to LEARN!!
Rule #3: Use this amazing thing called “The Internet” which God has used to provide families with G.O.B.S of resources!!

Free Bible Resources

Whether or not Al Gore created the internet, I really don’t care, but God sure has created an amazing tool for parents to use in their homeschool. For some resources you have to pay, but if you look carefully, there is so much out there that is FREE!! And who wouldn’t want to use quality, FREE Bible resources?

Using these resources will allow you to learn how to live a life that reflects a Jesus Worldview and teach your children to do the same. Parents, we need to LEARN. We need to learn theology and apologetics. If we don’t know what we believe or how to logically stand on the scriptures, then how can we help our kids when they are faced with questions from friends and other adults? Once we know our kids have chosen to WALK with the Lord, then we need to disciple them so they can LIVE with the Lord, and tell others about  Him, successfully.

Right here on FFS, there are Bible Lessons for Children which you can use at your church, as well as, in your homeschool.  During the school year a new lesson is added once a week. I explain how you can teach so that your child will gain HEART knowledge and not just HEAD knowledge. There are also encouraging devotionals you can peruse when you need a spiritual pick-me-up. If you are looking for a simple resource to help teach theology to your children, then check out A Child’s Catechism.

Other FREE Bible Resources to Consider:

Preschool Lessons:
Preschool Post
ABC Jesus Loves Me

Bible Memory Posters (Totally Tots)
Bible Story Printables
Bible Verse Printables (Homeschool Creations)
Sermon Notes for Kids Printable (Blessed Beyond a Doubt)
Bible Notebooking Pages (Notebooking Nook)

Route 66: A Road Trip Through the Bible
Smarter Every Day (Really awesome science videos produced by a Christian chemical engineer.)
Summit Ministries-Biblical Christian Worldview Documentary
Effective Children’s Ministry (Powerpoint presentations with lessons)
Investigating Faith (Lee Strobel)

Christian Worldview:
Answers in Genesis Kids
World Religions for Youth (Lifeway Resources)
Intelligent Design

Online Curricula:
Calvary Children’s Curriculum
All in One Homeschool-Easy Peasy
Ambleside Online: Charlotte Mason
Bible Class Books
Preschool Curriculum at Hubbard’s Cupboard
Please Convince Me Academy (6 courses on apologetcis)
Praise Factory

Character Building:
Character Journal
Character Trait Words and Worksheet
Compassion International Homeschool Lessons
Homeschooling as Discipleship (Hip Homeschool Moms article by Ben and Me Blog)

Theology and Apologetics Blogs:
Between the Times
Moore to the Point
Albert Mohler (covers many topics for a Christian Worldview)
The Gospel Coalition

General Resources:
Pouring God’s Word into Your Kids – Adventures in Mommydom
Homeschooling for Jesus (Pinterest Board)
Free Homeschool Deals
Bible Gateway (online Bible)
Every Bed of Roses (Pinterest Board)
Don’t Let Life Pass You By (Resources from Adventures in Odyssey and Focus on the Family Productions)
31 Ways to Pray for Our Children (Time Warp Wife)
Free Bible Images
Scripture Typer – A way to learn typing and memorize scripture
Kids of Courage (helps to teach about the persecuted church)

Mail Club:
Truth Chasers Club (Child Evangelism Fellowship)

Kid Websites and Games:
Wonder Zone (Child Evangelism Fellowship)

All of these resources I either use myself, OR, I checked out the site before listing it here for you. If you find questionable content, PLEASE let me know.

Posts in this series:

1. The Role of a Christ-Focused Parent
2. The Standard Used By a Christ-Focused Parent
3. The Goal of Christ-Focused Homeschooling
4. Resources for a Christ-Focused Homeschool
5. Moment by Moment Christ-Focused Teaching



What to teach next spiral?

Sign up below for three lessons from the Victory in Jesus book you can use now to jump start your object lesson Bible teaching plan. 

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We help Creative Bible Teachers to train children and youth by using Object Lessons.

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Sign up below for a Sample LESSON from What God is Doing: Old Testament Object Lessons for Kids (16 pages!). 

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